I’ll be working and observing closely how does a nervous system behave in different situations allowing the body to breath the way it needs to be breath. Breath, voice, focus line.
“Breathing is meaning” Catherine Fitzmaurice.
Daniele Brenca
I will propose short sessions (min 5min long each) based on Paesaggi sonori, focusing on each instrument by frequencies (I’ll write a short task about it) in order to perform and interact all together. Sept 11 will join us Joel Holmes and of course we’ll set up some solo and duo, I’ll bring my upright bass and I want also do a solo, obviously. I would like also perform with you all interacting with voice and bodies.
Davide Voza & Antonio Pipolo
Questo progetto interattivo esplora l’incontro tra tecniche analogiche tradizionali e le piu recenti tecnologie visive basate sull’intelilgenza artificiale.i partecipanti avranno la possibilità di guidare l’esperienza visiva, combinando elementi classici come la fotografia su diapositiva, il disegno a mano con immagini e video generate dall’intelilgenzaartificiale in tempo reale. Il progetto invita il pubblico a co-creare un dialogo tra il passato e il futurosfidando le percezioni dell’arte e della tecnologia, mentre esplorano insieme nuove forme di espressione visiva.
This interactive project explores the meeting between traditional analogue techniques and the most recent visual technologies based on artificial intelligence. Participants will have the opportunity to guide the visual experience, combining classic elements such as slide photography, hand drawing body gestures, with images and videos generated and elaborated by artificial intelligence in real time. The project invites the public to co-create a dialogue between the past and the future by challenging perceptions of art and technology, while together exploring new forms of visual expression.
Giovanni Tortora
Proposes a workshop, 2 hours between 11 and 14, working with piece of art made from plastic from the sea.
Pietro D’Alessio
Let’s a walk around the Hangar with botanical and ecological observations. The theme could be the relationship between individual and community
Joel Holmes
invited by Daniele Brenca, wants to play piano and make a recording at one point after 11 sep.
Valeria de Rienzo
will make an installation outdoor with the trees.
Chada Halwani
“Practicing archiving and documentation of the dancers work”
In the context of the event that will take place from 1.9 to 15.1 And performance Pause practice – and in 2/3 session work.
I invite you to practice with me:
- Photographical practice that observes time as matter of image, for instant the weight of the image – the suspended image – the motion of the image – in the dance rehearsals and performances.
- On the technical level of the given practice – ways on noting the structural and technics given In the practice. (noting movements)
- text/ narrative that describw with words the practice and improvisation.
Pierpaolo M. Perrone
A modular sound installation that interacts with space and people who inhabit it. Through the practice of walking different sounds and noises are made. The installation is designed as a device to be activated troughout the duration of the festival.
DISCOllective (artistic name of Gregor Kamnikar)
I propose and will be practicing the pause practice. Pause practice can be practiced only when one takes/makes a pause.
In the pause practice there are lots of previous practices and choreographic proposals.
In May David, Chada, Elena, Daniele, me and some other people coinhabited Hangar with different proposals, me coming into cohabitation with the pause practice.
http://discollective.upri.se ig diskolektiv
David Kummer
SLEEP with plants
DREAM with plants
REST with plants
DANCE with plants
TALK with plants
SKETCHING with plants
WALK with plants
and interweave these practices with human and non human needs plus what role plays love and care in these relations some continuation of the work in May